Friday, July 6, 2012

Take on Tiger's gorgeous niece

When I read the NY Daily News today as part of my normal routine to try to stay connected to the big city, I came across a screaming headline amongst the ones about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Mitt Romney's latest gaff and latest development with Linsanity.

There was a headline about Tiger Woods' female niece following in her uncle's footsteps and going to compete at the US Open.    I think it's great to have a new face on the LPGA especially one with American heritage which that league will need to hope to get any foothold in the US market and really I have no issue with this broad trying to make a living and I wish her the best.   My issue is with the headline which read 'tiger's gorgeous niece plays US Open'  

This honestly looks like a female Tiger which immediately makes her completely not attractive.   She's got this ridiculous build with more muscle tone than a Chinese Guy at a pool party, she's got a jaw line of boxer and it looks like she's got hands the size of catcher's gloves..   There is absolutely NOTHING gorgeous about her in this picture and this comes from somebody who LOVES Serena Williams.   As with any 'hot' female athlete if you have any hope of capturing a male audience you have to allow them to day-dream about banging her but with her striking resemblance to her uncle, I can just imagine her doing the stupid fist-pump when you put your putter in her hole

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