Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Take on NY1

 Forget the tax savings from moving out of the city, forget the fact my lungs might improve ad forget the fact I can expect to go to sleep at night with no fear of being awaken by hooligans screaming in the street the best thing about moving out of NYC is that after a decade of being stuck with the terrible Time Warner cable, I have finally figured out a way to get out from underneath their Vulcan grasp.....
I haven't had many conversations I've enjoyed more than calling TWC and telling them to cancel my service effective immediately.   The only issue was that I still had to schlep down to 23rd street to return the cable box and modem which really was a small price to pay for finally getting FIOS.  
But as I was sitting there I caught a large banner sign they have trumpeting their service.  The entire ad campaign is based upon getting NY1 which is ONLY available on cable mainly because it is owned by TimeWarner.   I like NY1 as much as the next guy but if anybody believes that NY1 is enough to keep anybody from switching to a better service they are sorely mistaken.  This is like trying to convince you to have a one-night stand with a fat chick as opposed to a skinny one  because she has nice eyes

Sent from my iPhone

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