Monday, July 16, 2012

Take on Handicapped drivers

A buddy and TOR reader has this great theory about those handicapped license plates.  Whenever you see a car (usually a Buick) with one of them, you just know they will be terrible drivers and really it makes no sense since they theoretically have a physical handicap not a driving one.  Maybe there is a connection but it seems that just by having a disability it gives you a license to drive like an a-hole.  These guys don't use turn signals, drive below the minimum speed limit, hit garbage cans, drive with two feet (which is ironic being that they may only have one), make ridiculously wide turns and don't stop for crosswalks.  In other words they are a danger on the road and are able to do so because like the mob they do so without any repercussions and quite honestly I am sick of it.  Just because you have a peg leg, a missing eye or a case of elephantiasis doesn't mean you should be able to get away with reckless behavior which is exactly what it is and it's completely unfair especially because they already get all the good parking spots.

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