Monday, July 30, 2012

Take on feet

A few days ago when a bunch of i-buddies started bragging about the
beauty of my feet I just about puked. Guys shouldn't ever give a crap
what their dogs look like because well we're guys. I have often heard
people say you can tell how hard somebody's life is by how soft their
hands are and I have a similar theory about feet. Take any marathon
runner, rock climber, avid biker or walker and their feet will look
like.....feet. Having feet look like feet probably means you are not
some fat sloth who spends his days sitting on his couch just
increasing his gravitational pull. My feet are a badge of honor
proving that unlike my soft footed compadres I actually care about the
rest of my body and being around to enjoy more long walks past their
soft footed graves

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