Wednesday, July 18, 2012

take on the bus

Everyday I get up, walk to the bus, hope to get a seat and head to the city. 
The problem is that every day there is a point about half way to the city when
the bus hits a magic number (46 on a regular bus,85 on a honkey bus) where
people start complaining.   This is the number of seats available on
the bus and when it hits that number any new person is standing    But
because people are fat and inconsiderate the true number is usually
2-3 numbers before it.    See those horizontally challenged (or more
accurately horizontally indulged) often take up more than one seat and
I am sick of it.  I pay for a seat which means that I should get one
and just because you can't control yourself at the buffet shouldn't mean
I should suffer on the bus or any other confined space
for that matter
I got a novel idea...instead of you taking up two seats with your
double wide ass, why don't you walk to NYC

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