Saturday, June 16, 2012

Take on the toilet condom

Regular TOR readers know our disdain for public bathrooms. The
smells, the puddles of piss and the swamp the seats become after a day
of heavy use. So you would think that those automatic saran wrap
dispensers which have been installed in public bathrooms at OHara
airport in Chicago would seem like the ideal answer. The concept
behind them is that like those public bathroom cloth towel dispensers,
it would be used by one person and then automatically conveyer over
exposing a new piece of plastic by the time the next one would sit
down. My problem is that I have no faith in humanity and unless I
can see the guts of this thing I have a real suspicion that the
plastic cover just rotates around an endless loop so although you are
sitting on what appears to be unused plastic when you are actually
using your ass to soak up three day old urine

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