Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Take on the not quite lay-flat seat

For all the ease and comfort afforded to you when you shell out
thousands of dollars on a business class ticket it is shocking that
except for some of new A380's and a handful of BritishAir flights they
never quite figured out how to make the seat lay all the way flat.
It's like a cruel joke because as you that an intercontinental flight
you turn your light off and try to sleep laughing at the poor schleps
in coach but after 20 minutes you find yourself sunk to the bottom of
your seat, your body contoured like a human pretzel. Of course this
may still be better than sitting with the goat herd in the cargo
section but at least those schmucks aren't expecting any better and
they will get off the plane having spent thousands less and quite
honestly probably able to sleep just as comfortably so in other words
you just spent $2500 on a cheap glass of champaign and the beef
tenderloin and then you realize who is laughing at who

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