Friday, June 22, 2012

take on the newsletter

At some point over the last 6 months it seems like every company I do some kind of business with has introduced a newsletter for their customers.   This is past the normal general spam emails these come across as something that somebody actually put some time and effort into.  I have literally gotten glossy magazines from some of these places which seems to me like the absolute biggest waste of money where they all just believe in this mentality of throwing as much crap onto a wall and hoping some of it sticks.    It's like getting magazine with fancy pictures and crappy articles but instead of it having any value it's literally all about the new Ford Focus or the new Samsung phone.  If you ever leafed through it you would immediately see that there is just no content in the material what soeever and it just makes its way directly into the recycling bin.
But it really begs the question about what advertisment costs and what it may be worth because there is relatively low cost to cheap hand-outs, flyers or mass emails but when you put real production into something like this the printing, mailing, content etc has to have a real cost.

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