Tuesday, June 12, 2012

take on the kiddie toucher

When I read the story of the 23 year old father who killed a man he caught molesting his 4 year old daughter we had a mixed reaction.    The father ran to the rescue of his daughter when he heard the little girl screaming and found her being molested by the other guy and proceeded to kill him using his bare hands.

 We don't have any problem with this kind of vigilante justice knowing I would do the exact same thing myself and feel very little remorse.    We also agree with what some iFriends pointed out that the father probably saved the state quite a few dollars from having to prosecute this pervert.    We don't expect the father to serve any time as there will be very little call from the masses to prosecute him.  Considering it took place in Texas, we suspect that the chances of them naming a road after the father are higher than him having to clean it in an orange jumpsuit.

 Our main issue is that without any witness other than the four year old and the guy accused of murdering the kiddy-toucher, how can you ever know that this creep was actually a creep?   He doesn't have a prior arrest record which we know doesn't prove anything either way but if he was a proven habitual offender it would put the thought of a trial-less conviction a bit easier to swallow.    We think that him lying about the molestation is very unlikely but without video-tape or witnesses it may be hard to prove if it were to go to trial for justifiable homicide.

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