Thursday, May 17, 2012

Take on the ShapeUps lawsuit

I saw a screaming headline on earlier today that Sketchers had lost some kind of lawsuit and had to pay millions of dollars based on faulty information about those ridiculous looking shape-ups which look like marching band shoes for a high-school of mental patients.    Part of the issue was that the one of the experts, some chiropractor whose expert testimonial was used all over the ads was also married to some chick in the Sketchers marketing department.  At the end of the day they couldn't prove their claims of tighter tummies and firmer asses although I guess they did prove that the American public are a bunch of tight asses.    Although we don't like lying to the public, this was one of those claims which always seemed ridiculous.  Anybody who thought that walking around on shoes with a half-moon on the soles and all of a sudden you were going to go from a size 16 to a size 2 has had a couple of cheesburgers clog up the blood-line to the left frontal lobe.    I'm all for going after a company who lies to the public but at the end of the day they real lawsuit should have been based on pain-and-suffering because this faulty medical research led a lot of people to wear some really ugly shoes.
I still maintain that the most ridiculous thing about these things was that they never actually showed a celebrity wearing them, they'd have a picture of a smiling Joe Montana or Kim Kardashian's ass but never a picture of Cool Joe or Slutty Kim actually prancing around in them.  Maybe that's how John Candy actually wind up croaking. by Joe giving him a pair of these things and a bunch of guys laughing so hard that he died of embrarasment

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