Monday, May 7, 2012

Take on the big screen

There are a few things you notice when landing in Korea: the women
are better endowed that their expats stateside, they serve kimchee
with every meal including breakfast and they have gigantic phones.
Now I have nothing but good things to say about the first two but the
third one is more than a bit odd. Today while sitting at a meeting a
phone rings and one of the Korean guys reaches into a pocket and takes
out what might as well have been an IPad. This thing must have been 8
inches in length (somehow I can guestimate that length from anywhere)
and honestly looked like it should weight 2 pounds. I am not saying
it didn't look somewhat appealing but really only in the same way a
full functioning desk-top is appealing to you when you only have a
netbook in your briefcase. From what I could tell it was one of
these new Samsung jammers which from what I have read have apparently
dulled the line between smartphone and computer even more than anybody
could have imagined. The problem is that although I bet having some
huge screen is great, you still need some of the basic functionality
of a phone and one thing this does not have is form-fitting look. If
you can even manage to squeeze it into your pocket you will be walking
around like you got a mile marker in your pants because there is just
no way this would look right in a normal pair of pants..

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