Sunday, April 22, 2012

Taking on patience

There was that great Seinfeld episode about searching for parking
spots with George explaining his working theory where he first tries
his own block and then expands with larger and larger concentric
circles. Obviously this ia ridiculous in a place like NYC where good
free street-parking spots are at such a premium that I myself have
often not gone out in fear of losing a good one.
Although i realize driving around the block is pretty much worthless
and for somebody who spent an extra 20% to buy a hybrid a complete
contradiction but as much as I have a passion for keeping our planet
green, my lack of patience is almost as powerful

I feel like looking for a parking spot has to be an active activity,
probably mostly because if it was a passive exercise could you really
bitch about it?
I am so wired that I cannot ever just sit and do nothing, I must at
all times be at minimum multi-tasking. I always try to sit in my car
on a block waiting for a spot to open up and it always ends within 2
minutes when I lose patience and start making my concentric circles
and just hoping beyond hope that normal logic is defied and a block
full of open spots magically appears

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