Thursday, April 12, 2012

take on Facebook's tipping-point

There was a headline on CNN today screaming 'when did Facebook become so uncool' based on a CBN News report with the CNN columnist trying to pinpoint the exact time when Facebook jumped the shark..  I'll go a step further and say it didn't just jump-the-shark, it got eaten by the shark, regurgitated, eaten again and then shit out.   The columnist theorizes that it might have something to do with FB collecting personal information but I really don't see this as that big an issue.. most people realize that the interwebs aren't safe for personal info.

What really was the turning point was when every 60 year old mother joined it, it became the antithesis of cool.    I've stopped using Facebook about a year ago and honestly don't miss it at all.  When I ask friends who still check regularly they mention that there are less-and-less people who are posting on a regular basis which probably just makes the people who continue to post more prominent and thus more annoying which then turns more people off.   I said this a year ago, Facebook is on a downward trajectory regardless of what numbers they release showing growth in users..and they are smart to cash-out now.

The funny thing is that its unlike every example in  the Tipping Point book.   In Tipping Point they talk about kids in the Lower East Side wearing hush-puppies but when it got really popular they were already off to a new fad.    The funny thing with Facebook is that the original crowd (the kids who were in college about 5-10 years ago) are still the ones on this thing, it's the people like myself who are now about 15 years removed from college who have given up which I guess has left the FB landscape littered with a giant generational gap with a bunch of 20 somethings posting right next to a bunch of 60 year old women.

Anyway you cut it..that doesn't sound like the kind of crowd that I hang with so I'm pretty content to shut that noise off all together.  

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