Friday, April 27, 2012

Take on Dan Smith

If there is somebody who has done a better job of marketing himself
and his craft than even Joseph Smith ever did. The thing which is
the most amazing is that (at least from the flyer), this dude looks
like he's 24 so this is apparently the most stress free gig out there
I mean you do what you like, you can stay true to yourself and you
make a living And really what does it take... The entire business
model is that you hang up a couple of flyers around Union Square and
on walls of coffee shops and before you know it before you know it you
are a staple in NYC like Spike Lee at a Knick game, Fireman Ed and The
Naked Cowboy. I was wondering that maybe it was due time for him to
franchise. One dude can not possibly cover all that ground and be
expected to teach generations of kids how to jam I can see it now
Dan Smith's across the city teaching guitar to snot-nosed kids and
wannabe Bucketheads. Why stop there, how about Dan Smith in Buffalo,
Dan Smith in Orange County, Dan Smith in Taipei all teaching basic
cord progressions and bad solos..this could really have some legs

1 comment:

  1. I remember his flyers all around the City when I moved to there in 1998. I bet you more New Yorkers between the ages of 18-32 could recognize Dan Smith over Mike Bloomberg.
