Thursday, March 22, 2012

take on the gmail storage limit

Take on the Gmail limit


This seemed like a day that would never happened… kind of like somebody breaking Joe DiMaggio's hit streak but yesterday I hit my allowable limit for my gmail account which meant that over the last five years I've filled up 7gigs of space.  There was this big red message that came up saying that I had to either start deleting a ton of emails or buy more storage or emails from senders would start bouncing..   I cannot tell you what I did to fill up this much space but when I asked around most people told me that they were using 20% of their allowable limit.


I tried to delete a bunch of stuff like "anybody up for an LTT lunch" or "Joe Bryant Breaking News" but it only got me down from 95% full to 94% full which only meant that I'd get the critical storage message again in a couple of days... so I sacked up and paid $5 for a 20 extra gigs of storage which I guess is well worth it as dropping my total messages down by 20% would cost hours.    I can see the kinds of decisions I'd be agonizing over already:  should I keep a photo-shopped picture of my buddy Dusty to make him look 200 pounds lighter in his Happy New Year hat?   should I keep some terrible trade offer Otis made me for Brandon Marshall for posterity?  should I keep some random thoughts my sister-in-law had about drinking while biking?
I guess my $5 decision was that I needed to keep all of this because you just never know

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