Saturday, February 18, 2012

Taking on the bad pun

When I woke up at 8:45 in Belgium today and surfed over to I
wasn't the least bit surprised to see the leading headline screaming
something using some kind of juvenile pun on Jeremy Lin's name. For
two weeks te world's been trying to outdo each other with things like
'linsanity', 'LINderella man', 'vaLINtines day' etc but in the
competition for most tone-death pun I think that ESPN won (or lost
depending on how you see it).
The headline, after the Knicks finally lost following a 7 game win
streak, said "chink on the armor". Now I have to believe that the
writer of this headline wasn't intentionally going with a racially
derogatory charged theme but when I read it that is exactly what i

I have to imagine that ESPN will pull this headline before most of the
loyal East Coast TOR readers are up, but can somebody please keep a
tab to see how long it lasts? (it's now 9:15 in Europe or 3:15am in
New York

Just imagine the outrage if he were Black

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