Monday, February 6, 2012

take on the needless celebration..

I'm all for supporting a team, I'm all for celebrations and I'm all for excitement but what I'm not all for are idiots honking their horns outside my house at midnight when my wife and daughter are sleeping..  I'm not exactly sure what part of a victory on a football field gives people reason to disturb the peace in a normal residential neighborhood when it happens to be located in a city.    I'm sure that my friends who live in towns like Montclair, Fort Lee or Kenvil were able to sleep peacefully last night while my friends who like me live within the five boroughs were treated to an orchestra of noise..  Add to that the genius of the NYPD as for 3 hours a helicopter hovered over my head as police cars races through the streets trying to calm down the idiocy.    I get that you are excited but at some point you have to look in your rearview mirror and realize that you are a grown man driving a beat up Camry waking up an entire neighborhood by acting like you are stuck behind a slow moving semi.   
This isn't some Paul Revere moment, everybody saw the game, it ended 3 hours ago and there will be a big parade on Saturday..  yet you find that celebrating it like a normal adult doesn't prove you are a big enough fan so instead you drive past my house leaning on your horn like some kind of 12 year old child?  You are undoubtedly the same jackass who refers to his favorite team as 'we' or 'us' proving that not only that you are inconsiderate…but that you are moron too.

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