Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Take on the head rest

I'm not sure when it happened but at some point we moved backwards in
terms of technology. A few years ago you'd step onto an airplane and
know that as uncomfortable as you might be, at least there was a
chance your neck wouldn't feel like somebody took a hammer to it.
This was because of these bendable head rest wings that the airlines
started adding to seats. These things were a marvel of science
cause they would flare out and could be mauled and manipulated so that
you'd have something to rest your head against. I was convinced these
would be on all planes in a few years because it was such ingenious
technology but the last few flights I've noticed that they are nowhere
to be found.
I am sure it is all about cost cutting as airlines continue to find
ways to bring down costs to boost revenue but this was a very small
thing that made a big difference I doubt they've ripped them out of
existing planes so maybe i am just unlucky but I have no doubt they
are not actively installing new ones either. At some point airlines
have to realize that we don't care about the food or the movie, we
just don't want to walk out feeling like we just wrestled against
Mount Fuji

Sent from my iPhone

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