Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Take on the crazies

Although TOR has been trying to avoid top much political commentary, after yesterday's primaries and basically on the eve of super-Tuesday it was time to rev up the engines
I spent some time watching all the republican candidates campaigning last night including seeing Ron Paul sitting in front of some fake fireplace in what looked like his father's suit (or at least Rand's).   A few hours before that, at a campaign event he brought the crowd to it's feet (or at least woke them up) with his harsh criticisoff aging that in 99 years of the Fed, the dollar ha lost 99% of its value.    I guess if nothing else he stayed consistent on the campaign strategy of 2011-2012 which is to invoke as many 9's in any political sound-bit as possible
Obviously nobody except those wearing tin-hats actually expect Paul to win the nomination do covering him seems like an obligation the news-organizations do because the anchors don't visit their crazy old uncles in their hospices enough.  
I would spend some energy on Newt but really who cares

Well then you have the two heavyweights.. This is Ali-Frazier, Lang-Balboa, Giant-Hogan.     (at least for this news cycle before Palin jumps in).    Mitt Romney who has literally been running for president for the last 6 years is still the favorite even if nobody is happy about it.    If he wins tr nomination it will be like multiplying McCain and Dole for the republican base... But unlike mathematics in this case a negative times a negative actually yields a bigger negative.    The right doesn't trust him, his daughter ha a huge forehead, his wife is a prissy and he's got as much personality as a cardboard cuttout.  There is no way the crazies come out to support this guy, they will instead spend time building mail order bombs in their cottages deep in the mountains.     I am convinced the hard right prefers Obama over Romney.   At least Obama gives them a target, an enemy (who gives in to them all the time by the way).

Then we are left with Rick Santorum.    I guess you can't count this dude out even of this editorial page did about 5 months ago.    One thing that is impressive is that over the last half-year he has steadily moved closer to the middle (literally not figuratively) of the debate.   In the first few months he was located deep stage right.  Honestly there were debates where I think he stood behind the curtain.    I am convinced h could have had a stroke and John King wouldn't have as much as paused and now he's the media darling
The big problem with Santorum is that he is crazy.   I am talking certifiably crazy... This dude doesn't defend basic human  rights, he thinks women should stay home cooking coup, he believes the Earth is 3000 years old, he homeschools his kids.   Do you realize how crazy that is!!!   Homeschooling is like child-abuse pt parent abuse of both.   You have to be nuts to decide that having your kids around you for 24 hours is a good idea, I have a daughter and I love her dearly but that doesn't mean that I should teach her geometry, chemistry or god-forbid English   People who home-school are the same crazies who believe humans and dinosaurs walked the earth together, how the hell can the leader f the free-world believe in Fred Flintstone?? 

Sent from my iPhone

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