Sunday, February 12, 2012

Take on the broken screen

Walking out of Guns N Roses I made the conscious decision to save the
$50 it would cost me to can it home and instead did what I always
do,... Jump on the subway. It was 3AM, I was exhausted but still by
cheapness beat out my desire for sleep which really is a battle like
the Globetrotters vs the Generals because one side ALWAYS wins.
All was well till I reached into my pocket to get my wallet and
accidentally pulled out my phone dropping it on the floor o the subway
platform. Luckily the phone stayed on the platform and not upon the
rat infested tracks but when I picked it up it was completely
shattered. I tried using it for a few minutes but immediately knew
that there was no way to really make this work since I need my phone
for work and everytime I looks at the screen I felt like I had beer
goggles on.
Anyway 10 hours later I drop the phone off at some dude's house who
throws on a new screen which he probably paid $3 for in bulk and
handed him $80 cash and all of a sudden that $50 can ride seemed like
a great investment

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