Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Take on Obama v Hernandez

On Monday the Obama administration argued that Guatemalans who were knowingly exposed to STD's without their consent cannot sue the US government.    The claims were being made when the covert operation in the 40's was exposed by some researcher at Wellesley College a few years ago.   Basically 2000 Guatemalan prisoners and mental-patients were exposed to the syphilis, gonorrhea and some other things that make it hurt when you piss.  They said that the subjects were exposed without their knowledge although they were compensated for something with a pack of butts and in case of the prisoners, were exposed by infected prostitutes.  
Forget the moral dilemma involved in something as unethical and Third Reich-esque as this is, I can't believe the CIA can legally pay for hookers.    
But how about the precedent this sets?  Granted they are using some ridiculous thing called the Federal Tort Claims Act which apparently allows you to date-rape a prisoner but you can just see where this leads.     If you can't sue Uncle Sam for giving you the Clap, does this mean some chick can't sue some dude from Long Island who knowingly gave you syphilis?   I can see it now; some chick whose cootch looks like it was taken over by bed-bugs goes into court and gets slapped down when the defense lawyer uses Obama v Rodriguez.     Before you know it they'll be using that ruling to let dudes out of jail who slipped some chick the date-rape drug, you gotta nip this thing in the bud now before all chaos breaks loose.
And how about those poor prostitutes..how did they get compensated for having to sleep with a bunch of Guatemalan prisoners?  Those guys probably all look like Hernandez from Oz, if I were those chicks I'd be suing the US Government myself cause having to sleep with that guys might be worse than syphilis  

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