Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Take on the NYTimes camera work

The NY Times does nice work covering the news of the world but despite
the money and energy they spend on covering and uncovering stories and
events, it never fails to surprise me how second rate their
photographs are.
In yesterday's sports-section there was an article about Baron Davis
and his rehab which may not have been daily News esque but was surely
informative but what struck me was the accompanying picture. For a
new organization which sees itself as first rate, the routinely put
fuzzy, out of focus shots or worse in their articles. I must count 5
or 6 pictures per day which look like the were taken by an amateur who
happens to be blind and suffer from the shakes to boot. It is not
uncommon to see a picture of an official state visit which was taken 4
seconds after the official pose, so the picture shows an official
buttoning their jacket or looking off to the side. I don't know much
about the newspaper industry but I do know that if you are going to
publish a picture, have it enhance not deflect from the story

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