Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Take on the NJ Transit bus driver shortstop

One of the many frustrations for the NJ transit system involves the
bus drivers. They seem to do their job well enough (they get me to
where I need to go in a reasonable amount of time) but what they
surely lack is some sense of customer service or better yet normal
civility. Like many of these unionized government jobs the NJ
Transit drivers live in a world where they feel entitled to more than
they should just look at the way they operate. I walk onto one of
the platforms a few days ago at 5:38pm to catch a 5:45pm bus. I walk
up the stairs and see the bus at the gate..well almost at the gate.
As is typical these bus drivers will park their buses about five feet
in front of the gate so they do not have to let anybody on. So there
we stand with 25 adults waiting while watching this dude pick his
teeth through the window Now there is nothing that says he has to
open his doors a second before he is suppose to but as a human
courtesy when you see two dozen people standing after a long days
work, wouldn't it be at least courteous to give them the opportunity
to sit?

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