Friday, January 20, 2012

take on the guy walking with his headphones on..

It must be a slow newsday because I read this screaming headline that read "Walking with headphones can be dangerous, U-Md. study shows‎"

So some univerity spent good dollars to conclude that walking with head-phones on are much more likely to get hit by a bus than people who don't have head-phones on.. A similar study showed that dudes who like going bareback with chicks carrying STD's are much more likely to have a painful piss-stream a few months later than guys who practice abstinence..    Anyway, I completely realize that for example, I'm much more vulnerable to get run over while listing to The Thundering Herd podcast that I might if I didn't have my ears covered so I'll file this away as a study that proves the obvious..


Now I can't wait for the follow up study which will go over accidents caused by people walking while using their smartphone… I have to imagine the results will be striking   

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