Sunday, January 15, 2012

Take on the celebrity

It must have been a quite few months for Kim Kardashian since she
divorced the goody white/black dude from the Nets and the lack of
attention seems to be bothering her because today a buddy sent me the
following link
which allegedly shows Kanye taking A 'celebrity' from the backside.
Kanye hasn't denied anything but seeing the picture it's pretty
obvious who the puffer is. Kim's ass is as recognizable as Michael
Jordan's head, Ron Jeremy's dong or Chris Farley's guy.
But of course it brings another question from the masses: would you?

Now granted I have to imagine none on my light skinned buddies would
be able to be within 6 inches of her but I find Kim to be the Tebow of
chicks. Half the works loves her, 49.99% of the guys hate her and the
rest played for USC

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