Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Taking on etiquette

Why does this only happened to me I have been feeling a bit under the weather and haven't been sleeping we so the bags under my eyes are a deeper shade of navy and my skin is a lighter pale than usual in other words I look like total crap. When a family friend passed away and i showed up at the funeral home, I looked like I should have been in the coffin.

The service is nice and they kept it light and the audience is taking it in when i get a tickle in my throat. I try desperately to swallow my cough as I can feel it turning into one of those violent spells which only forces me to start swelling up before I know it I'm wiping away tears. There I am probably the least important person in the room with tears in my eyes during a particularly light moment, sniffling from my cold and just looking like I haven't slept in a month and I hear somebody whisper
'he's taking this really hard'
Now I got people coming up to me after the service saying that they are sorry for my loss and I'm left to try to explain my way out of this which you just can't

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