Saturday, October 22, 2011

Take on the yellow truck

In an apparent act of retribution to the difficulty Chinese nationalists have to visit the US, the Chinese consulate has taken their 2 page rubber stamp application for visa into this 6 page interrogation. This application asks you to list every trip you've made to China, every international trip to other countries you have made in a 12 month spam and detailed information about your family
So after 2 hours of racking my brain, I walk over to the consulate and stand in line with a thousand other people, when I finally get to the front of the line I am told that they no longer take handwritten applications and I would need to type it out
Now I am standing at 12th avenue and 42nd street a good 15 minute walk back to my midtown office. Nowhere on the application was this clearly noted as proven by the fact there were 15 others who got turned away before me.
Anyway I am told by a security guard that here is a yellow van around the corner who will type up the application for me. After waiting on an informal line on 43rd street, negotiating for a couple of seconds and paying $20 i was finally sitting down in a makeshift office in the back of a Penske truck on a folding chair as some dude entered my info into his MacBook and printed it out on a little printer powered by a small generator

Nothing gets you ready for China quiet like getting ready for China
Sent from my iPhone

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