Friday, October 7, 2011

Take on the TSA lines

I fly almost 100,000 miles per year so feel like i spend way too many hours of my life either up in the air or waiting at the airport in anticipation of going up. For anybody who does this as often a I do there are a number of tricks to keep you sane including good restaurants at certain airports, online iPhone check-in and the ability to find the shortest security lines all by making grand judgements about other people on the line based on their nationalities, body types and general appearance.
George Clooney's character touched on this in Up In the Air and there is really an art form to it.
The rules I have
-never get behind a family with small kids. Kids travel with bottles and metal toys and parents are overwhelmed already. It takes a family of 4 as long to get through as it does 10 businessmen. They will spend 20 minutes just trying to get their stroller onto that conveyer belt

-never get behind old people. These guys have more metal in their bodies than robocop.

- never get behind any person with any kind of brown skin tone. Middle Eastern, Indian, Northern Africa I don't care.They will find reason after reason to scan that poor guy's bag 10 times. If they are wearing a robe or turban forget it you might as well start looking for a later flight

- never get behind a hot chick. They will spend 5 minutes pulling shit out of their bag hoping to help out their bag. Chicks carry around more lotions than a Korean whorehouse and there is just noway then can possible get all that crap in one of those four ounce ziplock bags

- never get behind a skittish looking white chick. These chicks follow all the rules and will literally ask those TSA guys for directions to make sure they are doing it right. It's like sitting behind a teacher's pet

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