Thursday, October 20, 2011

take on the black-hole over the hudson (the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge)

I love everything google..  I love the fact I bought GOOG shares at $400 and they are now worth $580..  I love Gmail, I love YouTube, I love the predictive search thing even if it's kind of Big Brother-esque and I love GoogleMaps.    That is until I tried to map out a route from Kingston NY to Rhinebeck NY which are located across the Hudson River from one another and by the flight of an Eagle are about 5 miles apart. But when I went to Google-map directions from one to another I was told that the route would be 150 miles forcing me to drive all the way south to cross a bridge in Poughkeepsie.   The problem is that there is a bridge which spans the Hudson River about 2 miles north of my two locations called the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge but for some reason google-maps won't let you cross it.    Even when you try to drag the route over the bridge it just won't budge and actually re-routes you to some other bridge 100 miles north

I look online to make sure it's a car-bridge (it is), make sure it isn't closed for some reason (it isn't), call a friend who knows people in that area to confirm its open (it is) but for some-reason Google Maps just won't allow you to cross it… it's like we've finally identified a real-live black-hole.

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