Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Take on shipping and handling

When I got a long awaited package delivered today to say i some mixed emotions would be an understatement. I was happy the package did finally arrive after having anxiously awaited it for two weeks, I was not happy to see it sent via US Post. Now this is not a rant against the postal service (that one will come shortly) but instead about the shipping and handling charge I paid.
I had no issue paying $24.99 for the item I ordered although I was a bit disappointed when it came to check out and I find out that there is a $7.99 shipping and handling charge. After I did not get anything delivered for about a week, I go back to the confirmation email and check the website link and I realIze that they did not give me a tracking number which I think is the minimum you can expect when ordering something online. After a week and a half I finally get notification from the company that my package could not be delivered due to an 'unknown delivery address' which is crazy since I had it sent to my work.
After some further frustration and delay my package finally arrives and when I look at the envelope I see a $1.88 stamp on it. In other words I paid a $6.11 handling charge for them to put the paperwork on an envelope and drop it into a mailbox.

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