Thursday, August 4, 2011

Take on the National Fat League

The NY Times reported yesterday that the NFL is poised to become the first league in American Professional Sports to begin testing for HGH.   Now obviously with the apparent influx of HGH onto our sports, much like steroids ran rampant for years, the NFL and it's players association should be commended for doing something to actually try to curtail it.     As part of the grand bargain there would be some concessions the league would give up in terms of appeals and when and how tests could be administered but any direction to a cleaner league is probably a good one.

Also as part of the new collectively bargained agreement to bring the NFL back from its lockout, teams have made some major concessions when it came to practice time and full contact practices with teams being limited to 14 practices throughout the season with full-pads and all two-a-days being eliminated. 

Even players reacted to the elimination with skepticism with comments like this from Bart Scott

 "I get concerned you're making football players weaker because you don't push them past that threshold, I get concerned with the same thing with the quarterback stuff, that they turn it into flag football; they turn it into little pansy stuff.  Two-a-days, it's what football is all about," he said. "It's about endurance, pain, will, putting yourself through something when your body is telling you it doesn't want to go. Your mind controlling your body. That's what camp is all about. With one-a-days, guys might not be in as good of shape as they would have been. Camp tears you down, and then a smart coach starts pulling back in enough time that allows players' bodies to build back up."

You have to be kidding me.. first they eliminate two-a-days which many players and coaches credit with bringing a team together and then you are going to take them off their hormones.    This is ridiculous, we're going to be watching a bunch of ballerinas out there..  Get football back to football and let these guys juice and beat each other into oblivion..  I can see it already, before you know it they'll start introducing rules that won't allow you to touch the quarterback anymore…oh wait.

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