Thursday, August 18, 2011

take on the direct TV time channel change

Forget that stupid dish you have to put on your roof, forget about the three other dishes that are sitting right next to your dish which the previous tenants have refused to remove and forget about the fact that when it rains badly you can’t get service the single most frustrating thing about Direct TV is when you change channels.    I was house-sitting a few weeks ago and I felt like I was watching TV through an AOL dial-up, I have hair in my ass which grow faster than the time it takes to go from one channel to another on Direct TV.   There is a space in time which feels like an eternity as your Direct TV box interperts what the Direct TV remote commanded and then the message is sent to the actual screen.
I swear that you can sit there channel surfing for 2 hours and a somebody like my buddy The Bump will lose 20 minutes of it while in channel changing limbo.   Maybe Direct TV is just resting on their laurels because they know that except for their receiver/remote combination they have a far superior product to the hell that is Time Warner cable, maybe they have an under-the-table agreement with the networks so people don’t channel surf or maybe the power that is the NFL Ticket takes so much energy that there is nothing left for basic function but I will say that if they hope to get into my house at any point, they are going to have to fix this because I felt like stabbing myself in the scrotum with an ice-pick every time a commercial hit.

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