Monday, August 22, 2011

Take on the check oil light

When I bought my hybrid Escape a couple of years ago I was pretty happy that I'd be able to keep my carbon-footprint to a minimum and for the most part I've been able to do my part with the 28-32 miles per gallon I've averaged since buying it.   I can get 32 during the  spring and fall months and closer to 28 when using the AC or heat but for the life of the car we're right on that 30MPG sweet-spot.   Another positive about the hybrid is that the salesman told me that because of the dual-engine you only have to change the oil once every 10,000 miles and shows it to me in the service book.     I brought it in about 10 months ago for the first change and wasn't planning on going for the next  one until I hit the 20k mark.

Well when my 'change oil' light came on the other day about 2000 miles shy of the 10,000 milestone, I was pretty surprised.  I check the oil and it looks clean and is still topped off but as I don't want issue I figure I should bring it in any way in case there is a problem with the sensor.

 As I'm talking with the service advisor he tells me that I missed the 15,000 mile oil-change.    I tell him that this is the hybrid and that I was told that I only needed to bring it in with 10,000 mile increments but he rebuts me and tells me that this is only for optimum conditions and since I live in the city it doesn't apply.

My first thought is anger with the saleman as I bought the car from a dealership in the city and he knew that I lived in the city also..  I know you are trying to sell a car but there really is no reason to be deceitful but then something else occurred to me.. how the hell does the car know I live in the city?   If the service book is only scheduled for every 10,000 miles, why would the computer in the car tell you to do anything differently?    I know we're not far from AI but there is just no way for that internal CPU to be able to figure out how treacherous the driving is especially considering I never drive the thing except when I'm on my three-times a month road-trip out to New Englad.

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