Friday, July 15, 2011

Taking on the end of an era

After more than eight years, more than 200,000 emails and more than a few bouts with carpal tunnel we took a leap of faith this week and finally shut off our Blackberry service and Verizon wireless for good. Now that is not to say we are ready to go back into the ice ages as we still carry an IPhone but for the first time we will not have a physical qwerty keyboard at our fingertips and I have to admit the concept is a bit scary. Now we know that we can work, communicate and blog with the IPhone and we've been getting ready for this exact moment for a year but we've always had the BB sitting bedside for those loner emails or blogs and quite frankly it is frightening
We will miss the physical keyboard, We will miss the reliability but most of all we will mis the functionality. What we won't miss is the terrible camera, the ridiculous font which BB uses when you see a message on a computer screen. We will also miss BBM which is absolutely great for reasons I cannot ever properly express. I mean it isn't that different than stringed texts and there are apps like KIK which are admirable clones but somehow there is nothing that matches BBM.

I will be glad to carry around only one device and after Verizon tried to maul me with their $20.48 per megabyte international data plan vs AT&T's roughly $1.10 per megabyte international plan I am glad to not have to worry about accidentally turning my BB on for fear of incurring a $1000 phone bill

I am going to have to get use to this stupid autocorrect thing though. Just the other day I sent an email about some chick and the autocorrect confused 'NJ' and 'BJ' when referring to her as the queen of that category.

Sent from my IPhone using my huge man thumbs

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