Thursday, July 28, 2011

take on the 'this accessory is not optimized for this IPhone' message

For the last four days I've been getting this persistent message on my IPhone which says 'this accessory is not optimized for your IPhone' .   I keep trying to figure out what crazy thing I downloaded when I was trolling around on YouPorn or something and have been frantically going through my apps to see if there is something there that I don't recognize.   The problem is that this message pops up 30 times per hour so you can't do anything at all because when the message stops you have to actively click 'dismiss' as it shuts down any program you have running at the time.
After a long search it looks like this is a much more common phenomenon than some kind of weird Trojan Horse which is mostly caused by some kind of obstruction in the plug port.   I guess the IPhone believes something in plugged in when it actually isn't and the thought that a grain of sand got into this hole is not very far fetched considering I've been sitting on the beach for almost a week.
Anyway the home remedy for this issue is to blow out the plug hole.   Now I'm stuck on an island with no cell-phone service so where the hell am I going to get an air-can so I'm stuck blowing in this thing.  So in 20 years we have not made any progress what soever because this was the same thing I was doing for my Nintendo cartridges in 1991.  

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