Sunday, July 3, 2011

Take on a Larry David moment

There are always times after I have shoved my foot way into my mouth that I want to hide my head in the sand. Last week as I'm at the playground watching my little girl climbing to the top of some cork cave mountain and slide down the other side. As I stand there watching her shimmy up along with a couple of other kids I just stand there in amazement, seeing how quickly she's developed. I turn to the guy standing next to me whose staring at his own two kids climbing up and comment to him 'it's amazing how quickly they learn and how well they climb, they are like a bunch of monkeys". Immediately I realize that I have stuck my foot deep into my mouth again as the dude -who happens to be black- looks at me like I have three heads . I immediately go into damage control mode as I clumsily try to explain what I meant which only makes me look like a bigger bigot. The problem is the more you say, the bigger deal you make out of it and the more it looks like you are covering something up.

The dude finally walks away in disgust and I'm left standing there holding this big matza ball.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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