Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Taking on the professional sports teams

There is a sign on the FDR for some storage place which rhetorically asks why anybody would move out of a city which is 'has six professional teams and yeah also the Mets"
I'm all for clever advertisement and for taking a shot at Met fans but my question is different.
What six professional sports teams are they talking about

Except for the Mets there are three teams that play in NYC: the Yankees, the Knicks and the Rangers.   I'm sure they are including the two football teams who both wear NY on their helmets but play in a stadium in NJ.  That gets you to five teams.

So who is the sixth?
Maybe it's the RedBulls who have the hybrid NY-NJ thing going
The Islanders play on Long Island and nobody in NYC will ever claim parenthood for this red-headed stepchild
I can't imagine they are already counting the Nets who are on their way eventually but they aren't exactly NY yet.
If they did include the Nets they would have to include other NJ teams but that would make it seven because of the Devils
So the only way this makes sense is if they include the Liberty but come-on!!!   Would we also have had to include the Hitmen back in the late 90's and whatever professional lacrosse that pops up every few years?

You can make fun of the Mets but if you have to think this hard and must include the Liberty in the equation than I'm sorry but you've had to work too hard.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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