Thursday, June 16, 2011

Take on James....I mean Timothy Dolan

with the NY State Assembly once again voting to legalize gay-marriage and the NY Senate only one vote away, it is just about time to pop some champagne and toast civil rights.  

Of course the Catholic Church decided this was another perfect time to step into this issue with their definition of morality with the typical lack of self-awareness they have shown before when Archbishop Timothy Dolan came out with the following post on his blog

The stampede is on.  Our elected senators who have stood courageous in their refusal to capitulate on the state's presumption to redefine marriage are reporting unrelenting pressure to cave-in.

The media, mainly sympathetic to this rush to tamper with a definition as old as human reason and ordered good, reports annoyance on the part of some senators that those in defense of traditional marriage just don't see the light, as we persist in opposing this enlightened, progressive, cause.

But, really, shouldn't we be more upset – and worried – about this perilous presumption of the state to re-invent the very definition of an undeniable truth – one man, one woman, united in lifelong love and fidelity, hoping for children – that has served as the very cornerstone of civilization and culture from the start?

Last time I consulted an atlas, it is clear we are living in New York, in the United States of America – not in China or North Korea.  In those countries, government presumes daily to "redefine" rights, relationships, values, and natural law.  There, communiqués from the government can dictate the size of families, who lives and who dies, and what the very definition of "family" and "marriage" means.

But, please, not here!  Our country's founding principles speak of rights given by God, not invented by government, and certain noble values – life, home, family, marriage, children, faith – that are protected, not re-defined, by a state presuming omnipotence.

Please, not here!  We cherish true freedom, not as the license to do whatever we want, but the liberty to do what we ought; we acknowledge that not every desire, urge, want, or chic cause is automatically a "right."  And, what about other rights, like that of a child to be raised in a family with a mom and a dad?

Our beliefs should not be viewed as discrimination against homosexual people.  The Church affirms the basic human rights of gay men and women, and the state has rightly changed many laws to offer these men and women hospital visitation rights, bereavement leave, death benefits, insurance benefits, and the like.  This is not about denying rights. It is about upholding a truth about the human condition.  Marriage is not simply a mechanism for delivering benefits:  It is the union of a man and a woman in a loving, permanent, life-giving union to pro-create children.  Please don't vote to change that.  If you do, you are claiming the power to change what is not into what is, simply because you say so.  This is false, it is wrong, and it defies logic and common sense.

Yes, I admit, I come at this as a believer, who, along with other citizens of a diversity of creeds believe that God, not Albany, has settled the definition of marriage a long time ago.  We believers worry not only about what this new intrusion will do to our common good, but also that we will be coerced to violate our deepest beliefs to accommodate the newest state decree.  (If you think this paranoia, just ask believers in Canada and England what's going on there to justify our apprehensions.)

But I also come at this as an American citizen, who reads our formative principles as limiting government, not unleashing it to tamper with life's most basic values.

my first thought was.... wait Dolan has a blog?   I bet this clown has more readers than we have over at TOR although we can sleep at night knowing that at least nobody in our organization has ever been accused of abiding to cover-up child-abuse cases.  

So anyway here comes the Church once again lecturing the rest of the world about what is right and wrong and again get themselves all  bend backwards trying to defend a defenseless position by spewing the kind of bigotry this entire mob has been doing for years.     

Let's take the argument step-by-step

I love the argument where he tries to turn this into a debate about limiting government.   Anybody who would truly want to limit governments involvement would obviously see that the government has no place in our bedrooms, our homes or our alters when it comes to deciding who we fall in love with.      If you want to limit government intervention let's start with eliminating laws that limit civil rights.

I also love the comparison to China and North Korea with the asinine comparison about limiting the size of a family.  does he not realize that not allowing two adults to marry is in effect limiting the size of a family from 2 (and eventually more) to 1. 

Then he goes into this entire defense of freedom..  exactly whose freedom are we protecting here Dolan?  Seems to us that you are only denying freedom not promoting it.   And the entire passage about not denying the rights of gay men and women is complete trash.  if you are not denying a right here what exactly are you denying?  I must have missed it in your rant but tell me again how exactly two gay women getting married at the Bryant Park Grill impedes on the freedom of a heterosexual couple living in Bay Ridge?

but the best part might be the fact that a marriage is a permanent union between man and woman this is where I have the biggest laugh.  The entire concept  that denying gay marriage protects the sanctity of marriage is ridiculous when there are thousands of people stuck in abusive relationships with spouses they cannot leave because of ass-backwards Catholic law.  These are the kinds of marriages that need protection? How about all the catholic marriages with chronic infidelity..maybe the sanctity of those are the ones he is protecting.

then again this is a man who represents a church has 1000's of  priests who make vows to protect the innocent and then sexually assault children knowing full well that their mob organization will cover it up from the Vatican on down.  Yes this is the kind of organization we need to hear about when it comes to morality.

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