Saturday, May 28, 2011

Taking on Cheap Sushi and Cheaper Surgery

Was talking to a friend yesterday about some surgery she was planning on having done. She wasn't specific but it doesn't sound like it was major surgery and my guess it that it's probably cosmetic. Now I have no issue with cosmetic surgery at all - I've often thought about getting a sack-lift myself- and applaud any chick who wants to go from a C to an A by going from an A to a C. Her particular type of surgery is a mystery to me and she told me I probably wouldn't be able to tell.
The problem in this particular case was that she has not yet had the procedure done because of the cost and she was looking for a another doctor who could do it cheaper.
I am a frugal fool and will always opt for the less expensive option except in three cases sushi, ink and medical procedures. These are just not places where you want to skimp and the premium you pay for a top place is well justified.
Going cheap on sushi is the inexcusable, raw fish cannot be properly stored in a 120 degree bodega open-fridge or as part of an all-you-can eat Asian buffet.
As for ink: It should be pretty evident but getting a guy to do a tattoo cheap is almost as bad as cheap sushi, there are entire websites devoted to people who have been permanently scarred by having some tattoo artist with a third grade education misspell a few words in the ultimate permanent marker
The last place to never skimp is in any type of medical procedure. For those who have been to some of the establishments NOT called the Landing Strip on 8 mile will have seen some of the world's boob jobs which were obviously done under the heavy medication by both the quack and the crack.
See the last place you should never skimp is any kind of medical procedure be it cosmetic or medical. I don't care if you are getting a mole removed, a tummy tuck or a heart transplant, you always opt for the Doctor from Johns Hopkins over the one who got his education in Dominica.
Live by these three simple rules and you can be assured a nice set of fake cans set atop a skinny body highlighted by a properly spelled trampy-stamp as you chow down on her sushi.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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