Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Take on Oprah

As Oprah signs off of her show today after 25 years of record ratings she leaves behind a legacy.   I'm sure that back in 1985 the thought of a black woman being the most powerful person in media seemed about as farfetched as a black-president.  

She probably also leaves behind a giant void for bon-bon eating housewives around the country, one that cannot be filled by any combination of Tyra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil and Ricki Lake.    What I am proud of is that in my 35 years on this fine earth I have never seen a single episode of Oprah.  I am probably the only one ever but I swear that I never saw her sponsors give out a car to audience members, I never saw Tom Cruise dance on her couch, I never bought a book from her club, I never cried when she talked to somebody about sexual abuses and I never noticed when she put on 50 pounds after a weekend of sex, chocolate, hot-dogs and other debauchery.    I do know from the front of the tabloids that she is probably a gay woman in hiding and that she desperately seeks attention.   I also imagine that there will be many middle-aged women who will have to turn to other things for their inspiration.. 

 So the question is who will fill the giant void she is leaving.. my guess is that it'll be a black-hole sucking up all things from here to Chicago and back again


  1. But we all noticed when RIGHETTI put on 50 lbs. after a weekend of sex, chocolate, hot dogs and other debauchery.

  2. omg lmfao david cuz i am the same way! i have never watched an episode in its entirety. i've tried to but i got a little bored or something so i flipped the channel. i wasn't really sure what her appeal was? i only know things about her from the newspaper too, like the lesbian thing and gayle her secret lover and her high salary stuff.
