As I venture into my late 30's, I started to notice some inadequacies. I wake up at night needing to pee, my knees creak and I have white hair in my beard. All of this comes with age and should have been expected but what hit me the hardest was the inability to drink during the day. Now i've frequently commented on the fact I don't recover like I once did but I always thought that on game-day I could still knock a couple off the center-field fence. Well now I discover that I've lost all my power, I've never had any speed and I am only relying on the craftiness which allows a veteran to compete seems but when the competition is 25 wit only goes so far. Years ago I'd down a six-pack of Miller Lite before the Yankee game was over and I'd be ready for shots before the Knick game started. Today I can't even have a single corona during the day and not feel an immediate need for a siesta. If I drink at a BBQ, don't expect me for dinner because I'll be down with my head on the pillow by 9pm.
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i could never drink during the day, not even in my 20's. but that was more cuz back then, i'd sleep until 1pm and then oig out on greasy pad thai and then i'd end up at the gym at like 7pm before getting wasted all over again. so the gym was the only thing stopping me from getting wasted during the day cuz i can't work out drunk. some people impressively can. but lately i want sangria during the day. that's the only daytime drink i can have. how is your summer going? i am bored today.