Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama takes on Osama

After a decade of hiding, OBL was finally brought to justice and the world applauded even if half the country was unhappy it happened on Obama's watch. I was with a bunch of crazies last night, the kind of guys who believe the birth certificate is a forgery and who will tell you there is tape of Obama saying that he has every intention of turning this country into a muslim country.
These guys are like Glenn Beck on crack and honestly believe that Obama is the anti-Christ although to be honest many of wacky liberals said the same of Junior Bush.
But as I sat there listening to the press conference with this collection, one of them turns around and states

"I hate the son of a bitch, but after this even I may. vote for him".

So the best way to tug at the nations heart strings" is to wrap it in a flag.
But what seems obvious in hindsight was that OBL was hiding out in a mansion 8 times as big as another in the neighborhood with 3 foot thick cement walls surrounding the complex probably with armed guards in sniper towers and alligators in a moat. This seems like you have Waco complex in your back-yard and the claim you've never seen in.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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