Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Taking on personal responsibility

We've complained about this before but obviously nobody was listening. I like dogs, have owned them and will always consider myself a dog-person. I don't though like dog shit especially if said dog shit does not come from a dog I own and I really don't like feeling like I'm walking through a field of land-mones as I'm trying to make it home after a long day at the shop. We moved to Bay Ridge about 6 months ago and not only has my commute increased by 35%, the amount of dog-crap on the sidewalks in my life has easily increased ten-folds. For all the community feel that this neighborhood claims to have, the most overriding feeling I have is that it's apparently the 'community's' responsibility to clean up after your dog here.

Just yesterday there were five independent piles of shit on different parts of my block. I'm not talking about scrapes of poorly cleaned shit but entire heaps of it. Bay Ridge has a tons of cops patrolling the streets in their cruisers, just not many on the look-out for actual criminal acts like these

I remember my dad would tell me that if I wanted to have a dog, I had to prove that I could be responsible for it because having a dog meant taking care of it, feeding it, walking it and yes cleaning up after it. I don't get how this lesson -which seems basic and universal- has not translated to the lazy big-haired, pizza loving Brooklyn crowd...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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