Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Taking on the old mule

I guess it was bound to happened, if you drive your people too hard at some point they will revolt and obviously machines are no different. For nearly 3 years we have come and sung the praises of the old reliable workhorse but at some point the thoroughbred turned into a mule and sadly now people are ready to call for the glue factory. But we must give credit where it's due, for years she was the ire of everybody's eye but even we must admit that Derek Jeter isn't the same as he was 10 years ago. He still is the guy you want up at bat in the ninth down by a run but he's just not as quick through the zone or to the ball as he once was. Maybe he cheats a bit but playing smarter was always the way he stayed on top.
As the competitors got faster and more powerful slicker and cooler and there was always a need for reliability, whether it was the ability to make the routine play or the clutch call the captain remained the most powerful tool in the toolbox. Then last summer you noticed it was a bit slow and all of a sudden .340 turned into .270. This year had promise but you look day to day and sadly the reliability numbers dwindle..in the last week my Blackberry has crashed 20 times and it might be time to put the old mule out to pasture

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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