Tuesday, April 19, 2011

take on our pussy society

We might as well sell our souls to China now because we have become a country of pussies.   Yeah we have the mightiest military and the #1 economy but when I read things like this in today's NY Daily News (link)
Classic kids games like kickball deemed unsafe by state in effort to increase summer camp regulation
Somewhere, somehow and for some reason the State of New York in an effort to cut down on 'signifcant risk of injury' are discouraging kids from playing wiffle-ball, dodge-ball, kickball and other street games.    They may as well sew vaginas on each little boys while they are at it.   
So for many years and many more TOR posts we have rallied against the kids of this generation not getting outside but maybe who we should really be attacking are the legislators.
How the hell is kick-ball dangerous?  You kick a big soft ball on a baseball diamond, you surely could get a lot more hurt actually playing baseball.   Now I can sort of see that dodge-ball can be somewhat risky but nothing more than a bump or bruise, when I was in elementary school the entire fourth grade played it every single day and I don't remember a signifcant injury expect for the time that Funky Fat Medina sprained his left ass cheek but what really gets me is that they are discouraging wiffle-ball.   You can't possibly get hurt if you get pegged by a wiffle-ball the entire thing is designed to be non-painful

 With all that said, I remember playing some wicked games of asses-up when I was a kid and I can sort of see somebody getting hurt but again, in the 18 years of my youth (plus one crazy summer in Cape Cod) I have never seen anybody actually get really hurt.   yeah you might have a bruise but you can get carpal tunnel syndrome from writing too much and you can strain your eyes from reading too much and I'd find it hard to believe the New York State assembly would discourage those too.

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