Wednesday, March 16, 2011

taking on that Euro-stench

Now I am not one who will wash a button down after every day of wearing it but I would never wear the same undershirt again.    I use the undershirt as a sweat-mop and the overshirt as a bib which means that unless I spill coffee or ketchup on it, there is no reason to wash it.  The funny thing is that not everybody seems to agree with me. See I've travelled to Europe probably 30 times over the last fifteen years and the one thing that my brethren do which always surprised me is the fact there are so many people there who don't seem to wash on a regular basis.   I'm not sure what the root-cause is but you have guys wearing the same clothes for days on end is one thing, the stench of major BO is another and you can usually tell which dude will stink before they are even within smell-distance.   Sadly this isn't even something that is limited to the dudes; there are women that walk around that smell worse than a Thai whore-house.   But the dudes are worse, now I understand the concept of pheromones but do these grease-balls think that their sweat carries the same kind of powers? 

At least they are ensured a couple of buffer seats at the movie theater.

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