Thursday, March 10, 2011

taking on the crazies

I picked up a copy of the Times this morning (on my Iphone app which means it crashed about three times throughout an hour commute) and read about Qaddafi's hidden billions, Peter King's witch hunt and Carmelo Anthony's game-winning jumper against Memphis last night.     All of these articles were interesting I guess but the only one from today's paper which really caught my eye was the one about a woman getting arrested for the abuse of a pet.   Now the pet in question wasn't a poodle, a kitten or a rabbit but instead was a rodent.    Now I'm in no way condoning the abuse of any animal including vermin but it just seemed strange that the police even found about this as rats and mice get killed in traps every day of the month but I guess because this animal was brought into the apartment in a box and not through a hole underneath the stove made the situation completely different.

Anyway I'm really not one who will argue for or against the crazies at PETA but what I did find interesting was another part of the article which quoted the mother of the teen accused of killing one of her little sister three hamsters

Theresa Smith, 47, who lives with 10 of her 12 children in the third-floor apartment on Putnam Avenue, said that violence ran in her family. "Thirty-two years ago," she said, "my brother strangled my sister to death."

She said that after Sweetie's death, her 25-year-old son gave the other two hamsters to a friend to keep them from harm.

"We have a cat that just had kittens," she said. "We're happy with them

I had to think that 'violence' running in the family sounds like a bit of a copout especially if you are comparing the murder of a human vs. that of a rodent but what really bothered me was the fact on-top of the litter of kids she has, she thought it would be a good time to have a litter of cats.. Does this lady think she's Noah or something?    In this article along they reveal that they have three hamsters, a litter of cats and 12 kids all in an apartment in Brooklyn, what the hell do you expect to happened? 

Hey lady, ever hear of birth-control.  Who the hell thinks it's a good idea to have 12 kids?  It's not as if you are living on a farm where you need the help to work the land??    Maybe while the animal cruelty people should call the child-services people for a visit..and if nothing else maybe they can use those cats to find those hamsters

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