Saturday, March 19, 2011

Take on subway surfing

I have been riding the subway for 2 decades and there are two things which frighten me: the crazy homeless people who can shove you onto the track and the poodles living on those tracks. What doesn't frighten me but should is the hepatitis growing on the handles, poles and seats on the cars and I've started to become more aware of this as I've gotten more older and slightly more germophobic.. Now I'm nowhere near as bad as friends who will have a designated hand they use to touch things on the train but even I realize that touching those subway parts is probably as sanitary as licking a men's room toilet seat. .
But I'm not generally inclined to get skeeved out and I'm often forgetful when it comes to using the designated subway hand so in order to keep myself focused on not getting a train STD I devised a game called subway surfing where you stand in the middle of the car without touching anything as the subway rolls though the miles of tunnels underneath the city streets. Later on when researching for this piece our editors found out that the term subway surfing is already an actual olympic full contact sport, so this is more like subway boogie-boarding but let me assure you it is still uber dangerous. Anyway the goal is to make it from one subway stop to another without using your hands for any support while keeping both your feet stationary. This works on your balance, strengthening you core and most importantly avoiding the homeless filth. In rush-hour traffic it actually is a bit easier as the hoard of people keep you upright so the best time to play it is when you are on a semi packed train towards the end of the evening rush preferably on a train like the B which is notorious for having lead-footed conductors..
The game combines skill, persistence, strength and can be very dangerous as you could lose your balance and go slipping all over that freckled black pseudo-tile which lines the floors of the trains. Last week I made it from Grand Street to 36th without touching anything or anybody except for the floor underneath my feet.. Next week I try to master the vaunted Grand Central to 86th street express trip.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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