Tuesday, March 22, 2011

take on the parallel conversation

One of the things I've decided that I hate about Facebook is the fact that when you get people together who all incessantly check their status-update that the entire conversation as an outsider sounds like this


Chick #1   So I was in Cancun last week and it was

Chick#2    Yeah I saw the picture

Righetti    When did you go to Cancun ??

Chick#2    She went last week
Chick#1    Yeah so we went sky-jumping and cliff-diving

Chick#2    Yeah I saw the pictures

Righetti:   Wow was it scary?

Chick#2     So I saw that your boyfiend jumped off the big cliff

Righetti:   did he like it?
Chick#2     He updated his status and said he didn't like it.

Chick#1    yeah it was awesome, such a thrill…

Chick#2    I saw you guys had dinner on the beach

Chick#1    yeah it was really fun

Chick#2    and how was that scuba-diving?

Chick#1    yeah it was really fun

Chick#2    the pictures looked great, sounds like you guys had so much fun

Chick#1    It was great only problem was I got really bad food-poisoning

Righetti:  what happened?

Chick#2   Yeah I saw your post glad it worked out

Chick#1   yeah I had some bad-clams and

Chick#2   the hospital bed looked kind of creepy

Chick#1   yeah but the doctor on call was really cute

Chick#2   I saw his picture



It's like these two girls are having a conversation with each other without really talking with each other since they already know everything what is going on.  Everything that anybody in the group says, somebody else replies that they saw them post that on Facebook.  There are no thrills or surprises anymore anything interesting that happens has already been compressed to 140 characters for anybody to see.    Then when the conversation goes to people who aren't even friends anymore and one person says  'did you see that Joe went to Cancun?"  and they start talking about Joey's trip eventhough nobody in a non facebook world would give a crap about this clown.

At some point you realize that your friends know less about you than they do their Facebook friends because you don't update your status every few minutes..

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