Wednesday, March 30, 2011

take on the facebook app

I have figured out my ultimate frustration with Facebook, It's not just the spam that lands on your StatusFeed that annoys me, it's the fact that the method most of us use to check Facebook has an inherent flaw which I believe is there out of design.   Everybody tells me that I have to start de-friending people or at least blocking their posts which I am OK with doing as I do see the value in seeing pictures of my family overseas or posts from a friend who I don't see often enough but not at the expense of having to wade through the clutter.  The issue is that most normal people are not going to spend hours in front of a desktop or laptop to check Facebook and instead will check from their IPhone.   The problem is that the IPhone App doesn't allow for some of the most basic and necessary function.... the ability to filter and block content. 
I haven't been actively on Facebook in months as the entire concept is just too overwhelming to me.   The Status Update feed has become SPAM infested with the least interesting people posting the most often.  Well when the one portal that most people use does not allow for basic function like hiding, blocking and defriending you have invented a loop of misery.
The few times I am actually on a laptop checking on Facebook would fall sometime after I've checked the Times, Woot, Brownstoner, the FFA, XNXX, the Daily News, ESPN, Fucked in Park other words there is virtually no chance I'll actually go to Facebook for the sole reason of account maintenance so I just don't.
So Facebook, if you want me back, design an IPhone app which is fully functioning although something tells me that this is not really in your interest since your goal is a some kind of  incestuous platform where everybody is connected.

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